
Our product portfolio

Component Graphic
Graphic about electronic components on a circuit board. Products that RTS Electronic offer are colored in blue.

Passive Components

Inductors - Capacitors - LEDs - Crystals - Varistors

Active Components

Semiconductors - Transistors - Thyristors - Optocouplers - Microcontrollers - Power Semiconductors - Memory - Sensors - Logic Devices

Electromechanical Components

Connectors - Pushbuttons and switches - Connection technology - Relays - Cables


Is your production facing a standstill due to missing components? Are you wondering how and where you can procure these? Are you uncertain about long-term storage possibilities? If any of these questions are troubling you, partnering with RTS Electronic is your solution. We bring over 25 years of experience in the procurement of electronic components and work with our self-developed rolling forecast management systems.

Case Study

The recent challenges in the electronics market and the global economy have led to sometimes costly production stoppages. Together with our customer from the automation technology sector, we have established short decision-making processes and quick alternatives for delivery problems. Since 2021, we have been implementing strategies to mitigate market fluctuations and supply difficulties. Through individual forecast management and stocking strategies that reduce storage costs, among other things, we have guided the customer through allocation problems and helped them gain market share at the same time. We store annual quantities of their components for key items and important projects. Every project and every customer is unique. We have created the best possible solution for our customer together and are constantly improving it.


Do you have access to a global supply network that always guarantees the perfect balance between delivery time, availability, and price? Can you identify alternative components through your network? Can you store discontinued components for a multi-year requirement? RTS Electronic can do exactly that for you. Through our decades of worldwide collaboration with reliable partners, we can offer optimal purchasing and service conditions.

Case Study

Rising component costs and high production costs in Germany can lead to market losses. Our customer in the renewable energy sector successfully optimized this with the help of RTS. Through close cooperation with the customer, we analyzed projects and presented global manufacturers as alternatives. These high-quality products reduced the Bill-of-Material costs by over 32% with comparable or better performance. In addition, approved alternatives provide security in the event of possible delivery difficulties. Our global network of manufacturers and suppliers has thus demonstrably increased the customer’s market sales.


Do you feel blocked by operational tasks and wish you had more time for strategically important projects? Are you striving to be more productive and achieve more in less time? Then RTS Electronic will significantly increase your efficiency. We provide you and your purchasing team access to hundreds of manufacturers and suppliers worldwide. Combined with our customer-specific service offers, we supplement your purchasing team with our hybrid sales team.

Case Study

Our EMS customer has been growing in the sectors of semiconductors, e-mobility, medicine, and industry for years, with over 20% growth. At the same time, the complexity of electronic procurement exceeds the capacities of customer purchasing. RTS has been acting as an extended purchasing team for the customer for over ten years and consolidates over 300 manufacturers and 5,000 components, allowing the customer to focus on production. Through uniform logistics concepts, digital interfaces, and combined services from RTS, such as the programming of logic modules, administrative effort is reduced by more than 25%. We support the customer’s growth and accelerate the time-to-market of their projects.


Is your production facing a standstill due to missing components? Are you wondering how and where you can procure these? Are you uncertain about long-term storage possibilities? If any of these questions are troubling you, partnering with RTS Electronic is your solution. We bring over 25 years of experience in the procurement of electronic components and work with our self-developed rolling forecast management systems.

Case Study

The recent challenges in the electronics market and the global economy have led to sometimes costly production stoppages. Together with our customer from the automation technology sector, we have established short decision-making processes and quick alternatives for delivery problems. Since 2021, we have been implementing strategies to mitigate market fluctuations and supply difficulties. Through individual forecast management and stocking strategies that reduce storage costs, among other things, we have guided the customer through allocation problems and helped them gain market share at the same time. We store annual quantities of their components for key items and important projects. Every project and every customer is unique. We have created the best possible solution for our customer together and are constantly improving it.


Do you have access to a global supply network that always guarantees the perfect balance between delivery time, availability, and price? Can you identify alternative components through your network? Can you store discontinued components for a multi-year requirement? RTS Electronic can do exactly that for you. Through our decades of worldwide collaboration with reliable partners, we can offer optimal purchasing and service conditions.

Case Study

Rising component costs and high production costs in Germany can lead to market losses. Our customer in the renewable energy sector successfully optimized this with the help of RTS. Through close cooperation with the customer, we analyzed projects and presented global manufacturers as alternatives. These high-quality products reduced the Bill-of-Material costs by over 32% with comparable or better performance. In addition, approved alternatives provide security in the event of possible delivery difficulties. Our global network of manufacturers and suppliers has thus demonstrably increased the customer’s market sales.


Do you feel blocked by operational tasks and wish you had more time for strategically important projects? Are you striving to be more productive and achieve more in less time? Then RTS Electronic will significantly increase your efficiency. We provide you and your purchasing team access to hundreds of manufacturers and suppliers worldwide. Combined with our customer-specific service offers, we supplement your purchasing team with our hybrid sales team.

Case Study

Our EMS customer has been growing in the sectors of semiconductors, e-mobility, medicine, and industry for years, with over 20% growth. At the same time, the complexity of electronic procurement exceeds the capacities of customer purchasing. RTS has been acting as an extended purchasing team for the customer for over ten years and consolidates over 300 manufacturers and 5,000 components, allowing the customer to focus on production. Through uniform logistics concepts, digital interfaces, and combined services from RTS, such as the programming of logic modules, administrative effort is reduced by more than 25%. We support the customer’s growth and accelerate the time-to-market of their projects.


  • In-house quality area with precision microscope, annealing furnace and other analysis techniques for electronic components
  • Close cooperation with external (German) test companies for extended component checks
  • Self-developed supplier qualification process
  • Digital incoming goods inspection using MODI Scanner
  • ISO 9001:2015 certification
Two people look at a brochure


  • Supplier Consolidation Management
  • C-Components Management
  • Sourcing of discontinued components
  • Design-in support of worldwide manufacturers
  • Worldwide sourcing independent of the manufacturer from the product areas: Active, Passive and Electromechanical
  • Alternative search – showing alternative products and manufacturers
  • Forecast and delivery schedule management
  • Securing production through framework agreements


  • Supplier Consolidation Management
  • C-Components Management
  • Sourcing of discontinued components
  • Design-in support of worldwide manufacturers
  • Worldwide sourcing independent of the manufacturer from the product areas: Active, Passive and Electromechanical
  • Alternative search – showing alternative products and manufacturers
  • Forecast and delivery schedule management
  • Securing production through framework agreements
Two people look at a brochure


  • Digital interfaces supported by RTS IT-Development in the form of EDI and VMI
  • Services: Taping of components, component drying, programming and assembly.
  • Long-term storage and preservation of components as well as optional energization
  • Customized strategic storage and stockpiling for long-term production security
  • Over 300m² logistics area with state-of-the-art climatic monitoring system
A man is working in a standing position at two monitors.


  • Worldwide, long-standing supplier and manufacturer network
  • Close cooperation in the area of employee training with testing companies and associations
  • Mediation of network partners, such as EMS service providers, confectioners and development offices
  • Collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers for component alternatives


  • Worldwide, long-standing supplier and manufacturer network
  • Close cooperation in the area of employee training with testing companies and associations
  • Mediation of network partners, such as EMS service providers, confectioners and development offices
  • Collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers for component alternatives